With Phuc Thanh Restaurant 685 Lac Long Quan, let’s enjoys the summer with the latest incentives only available in July.
Customers are too familiar with “Perfect Breakfast” at Phuc Thanh Restaurant 685 Lac Long Quan with delicious dishes such as:
+ Thailand seafood noodle
+ Hanoi Chicken Noodle
+ Pate – Egg Bread To serve customers well
Moreover, with the standard “perfect” meals, from 12/07/2019, customers who eat Bun Thai seafood will be offered 1 glass of lemon juice / fresh lemon depending on their preference, preferential price only 45k.
In addition, Thailand seafood noodle is also added to the lunch menu until the end of 13:30 to serve customers who love this dish at Phuc Thanh restaurant. Do not ignore this special offer to Have a “perfect breakfast” than the house!
If you are a closed customer at Phuc Thanh restaurant, you cannot ignore the promotion program with 1-0-2 days, specifically:
+ KOREAN FISH FISH: Super preferential price is only 1,950k / kg (original price 2,400k)
+ CANADA: Price discount is only 2,500k / kg (original price 3.200k)
Special: Give instant abalone soup / abalone stir fried mushrooms / abalone stir-fried greens … when customers reserve the table in advance via the preferential Hotline 0898 685 685.
What are you waiting for without picking up the phone to call Phuc Thanh restaurant to have interesting parties for the summer day with special offers in July!
Address: 685 Lac Long Quan, Tay Ho, Hanoi